Course & Requirements

Entrance Requirements
- Child must be 3 to 5 years old
- Current medical
- Completed registration form
- Registration fee
The Curriculum
A typical morning begins with choice time during which the children choose from block building, dramatic play, puzzles, coloring, etc. This time is followed by circle time, (which varies from day to day) during which the children sing their favorite "Good Morning songs", recite various rhymes, poems, discuss their feelings, discuss the weather and much more.
Circle time is followed by pre-reading which is done in operative ways. For example, informational books, big books, and teacher made stories.
Extension of Literacy
On Wednesdays, our trip to the library allows the children to extend their knowledge through storytime. This time is spent listening to various stories, doing arts, crafts and playing games.
Math is encouraged through tracking the days of the week, block building, songs that involve counting, sorting, classifying, counting the months of the year, compare and contrast, and time.
Science is encouraged through discussion about various topics which includes weather, fruits, vegetables, pets, zoo animals, ocean life, four seasons, my body and me and five senses. Several of our science lessons are followed up by visits to the NY Aquarium and The Children Museum related work shops.
Social Studies include helping children learn about themselves, their family members and home rules. They are also taught school rules, classroom routines and how to functions as a group. They learn how to recognize similarities and differences among classmates. They discover their communities through visits to local stores, post office and the fire station. They also learn about holidays, music and dance.
Art - This activity is designed to help students express themselves through various drawings, self-portrait, water and finger painting and coloring.
Spanish - Basic Spanish is taught in conjunction with reading and math. They also learn to say the days of the week, months of the year, colors, shapes, numbers, hello, goodbye, name of animals, fruits, vegetables, and body parts in spanish.